Sunday, October 3, 2010

More of Grandpa's Photos (In Ink)

During my infrequent booth times at our local Saturday Famers' Market, I find myself with a choice of how to spend my time: people- watching, or doing something productive, perhaps even artisitic. So I brought along my 5 X 7 sketch pad and a variety of pens (.01-.07) and a few old photos from my collection of Grandpa's materials. The above is a result of two such outings. The only problem is that I get into drawing and look up to see people standing in front of me...kind of disconcerting. Anyway, they're easy and fun (the sketches, not the people) and I may paint some of them in the future.
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1 comment:

  1. Boy, do I love your work! I may need a gallery room in my house! I truly need to start thinking about where to put a drawing/painting or two and then I will start ordering! Love you - see you soon.
